Current courses chosen among many.

Current Courses



COURSE CONTENTGRE is an exam for students applying for a graduate degree in English speaking countries. This exam is for  students applying for a gradute degrees in science or fine arts. This multiple choice exam helps schools by ensuring common criteria for evaluation of the abilities of the applicants. GRE exam includes two different kinds of tests, which have three parts for each: Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Writing. First of all, ‘General Examination’ evaluates verbal, quantitative and analytical writing skills. According to data, The GRE General Exam scores accurately predict masters degree students’ grades and success levels. ‘Branch Exam’ evaluates success in  a particular topic or comprehensive history of discipline. Examinations are conducted in the following areas: Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Literature (English), Physics and Psychology. This course is for the students with a high level of  English applying to institutes or management schools. Worldwide, more than 1,100 programs, including 78 European business schools, use GRE grades in the  student admissions process. The GRE exam result retains its validity for a period of 5 years, so that  students  can take this exam before they have made a final decision  about which program they will choose.COURSE PROGRAMMEIn this course, students will be  able to understand the strengths and weaknesses, and areas in which  they can improve themselves and develop their knowledge. During the course, students will learn effective test strategies and skills in  the following areas:Developing critical thinking skills.Critical reading of the text of the oral proceedings.Strategic ways of  working under strict conditions.Quantitative reasoning problem-solving strategiesAnalyzing  implications and reaching  accurate conclusions.Synthesizing concepts and ideas.Eliminating  wrong answers quickly.Understanding the basic terms and words in all subjects.


According to the Ministry of Justice Criminal, Dispute Settlement Manual, in our criminal justice system, reconciliation has been made possible by 5271 of the Law of Criminal Procedure Article 253. The objectives of reconciliation in the criminal justice system are the observance of the victim's benefit, the satisfaction of the victim, and , rather than applying criminal sanctions against crime, the elimination of the damage and repair.??? The goal of reconciliation is to solve the conflict between perpetrator and victim after the crime occurred, with attempt of the mediator. The aim of the reconciliation, as a rule, establishment of direct communication between victim and perpetrator of the crime is to make the perpetrators understand the consequences of their actions. Such meetings help victims to overcome the feeling of weakness that the conventional judicial system is forced to overcome. Trained and volunteer mediators can convert the justice system from contentious and punitive process, to the process based on collaboration for helping the parties reach a compromise. Reconciliation lets victims and perpetrators understand their responsibilities in the real sense, and understand the process of reaching a compromise. Through reconciliation, it is believed the losses incurred are eliminated by reintegrating both perpetrators and victims into society. Participation of reconciliation is entirely voluntary for both parties, and the principle of confidentiality is essential in the process. The reconciliation process allows people to solve disputes through the use of effective communication and problem-solving skills rather than fear, repression and punishment environment. Resorting to reconciliation is very useful, especially in disputes in which one of the parties is a child. The juvenile justice system is not always an appropriate process for the resolution of issues relating to children. Besides, the reconciliation process is important education in itself for children. It promotes new methods of expression and the resolution of disputes and the development social and interpersonal negotiation skills. The total duration of the course is 25 hours, 20 of which are devoted to theoretical knowledge and 5 hours to application.


COURSE CONTENT"Technology Management in Business" Certificate Program consists of three main sections of overview of technology management, activities performed in the technology management processes and methods and technics used in this process. Topics will be discussed using conventional teaching techniques as well as case studies, teamwork, company outings and creative teaching techniques. The detailed content of the program is shown below.Overview of Technology ManagementBasic definitions and conceptsTechnology management frameworkBusiness and environment interaction in technology managementCommercial perspective in technology managementTechnological perspective in technology managementTechnology Management ActivitiesDefinitionSelection and approvalAcquisitionUse / BenefitProtectionLearningMethods and Techniques Used in Technology Management ProcessTrends and driving forces analysisTechnology roadmapContent and concept analysisPortfolio AnalysisPatent analysisS-curve analysisQuantitative decision making methodsInformation managementCOURSE OBJECTIVESTechnology, an important resource for gaining  a competitive advantage in all industries,   is necessary to be able to  manage effectively. This course targets the understanding of methods and techniques that can be used to perform technology management activities, by addressing the systematic, holistic and scientific points of view of  technology management. In addition, through case studies and team-work, participants will learn how  to be adapt and apply technology to their company management.


COURSE CONTENTUnderstanding of the basics of lean and literal simulation of manufacturing processes;What is the standard?What is the standard deviation?Conformities hunt (in the line of business)Method for the removal of inappropriate cases for the standardsProcess validationImprovement WorksDialogue with employees (Leadership)Understanding of customer needsProblem solvingLoad balancingArrangement of working areaKanBanOne piece flowFIFOCOURSE OBJECTIVESReduction of quality deficiencyIncreasing efficiencyCreation of holistic viewOperators for regulating your  own businessThe destruction of confidential recordsIncreased customer satisfactionUnderstanding the importance of standardsOccurance of standard deviation with holistic perspective to the processCreating employees who are auditors and healers to of their  own processes


COURSE OBJECTIVESThe establishment and improvement of standards on specific lines and areas in producing departments, the execution and development of rapid reaction system, the creation of an effective communication network between stakeholders, ensure permanent solutions to  problems permanently and effective implementation of the verification process.COURSE DESCRIPTIONWhat is the purpose of continuous improvement?The importance of standardizationCreating a quick reaction systemCreating effective communication network between stakeholdersPersistent problems solvingProcess validation


COURSE CONTENT:Course aims to help participants to be able to use German to communicate in their daily life. Short reading texts and comprehension questions  contributes to an overall understanding of German. Speaking sections allow   gradual progress in fluency.COURSE OBJECTIVE:LISTENING: Participants will be able to comprehend  closely related issues (For instance, daily life,, family, shopping, local geography, employment) that  use  extremely high frequency vocabulary. They will be able to understand the essential meaning of newspaper ads and basic  messages.READING: Participants will be able to  read simple and short texts. Also, they will be able to  find specific information provided in everyday documents such as advertising, booklets, menus and tariffs.CONVERSATION: They will be able to communicate  on familiar topics and activities that do not require anything other than a simple and direct exchange of information. Even though in general they do not have a full  understanding of  subjects,, they can participate  in a very short communication exchanges.SPEAKING: They will benefit from a series of phrases or expressions for describing their family and other people, living conditions, education and current professional activities with simple words.WRITING: Participants will be able to write simple messages, short notes and very simple personal letters, such as a letter of thanks.Source: Funk/Kuhn: Studio 21 A1.1 Das Deutschbuch. CornelsenVerlag


COURSE CONTENT:Aim of the course is to be able to understand and use extremely simple words aimed to meet the  needs of the  everyday requirements  of participants. Participants can introduce themselves and others, and answer  questions about themselves, their  home, relationships, possessions, etc.COURSE OBJECT:LISTENING: Participants will be able to  understand very basic phrases and familiar words related with their  family when spoken slowly and clearly.READING: They will be able to  understand simple sentences, words, and familiar  names in written texts such as catalog, announcements or posters.CONVERSATION: Participants will be able to  communicate in a simple way  what they want to say and speak, althoughat  at a relatively slow rate of speech. They will be able to  ask and answer  simple questions areas for current needs or on very familiar subject.SPEAKING: They will be able to  use simple phrases and sentences to describe familiar people.WRITING: They will be able to  write postcards with short simple sentences. For example: holiday cards. Also, they will be able to fill in forms with personal information, like name, nationality and address. For example: hotel registration forms.Note: Placement Test will be held except for A1/1 courses.Source: Funk/Kuhn: Studio 21 A1.2. Das Deutschbuch. CornelsenVerlag


COURSE CONTENT:The aim of the course is to improve  learners’ e German language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension) that they have learned previously. In this course,the aim is to introduce  the details of social and cultural structure of the German speaking countries (Society, lifestyle, education system, culture and art), and allow students to explain their  ideas and opinions about these issues.COURSE OBJECTIVES:Detailed information about German-speaking countries' history, geography,social and cultural structure will be  given. Related to these issues, using visual, auditory, and written texts, reading, writing, speaking and listening skills will be practiced.Particular attention will be given to phonetics and pronunciation.When  travelling to German-speaking countries, students  will be able to express themselves using information obtained about general culture.They will be able to use correct phonetics and pronunciation.They will talk about arts and cultures at a more advanced level.Student will be able to understand familiar topics, such as visual, auditory society, education, culture, art, geography, etc.Source: Zwischendurch mal Landeskunde: 2012, HueberVerlag, Ismaning, Deutschland.Papa, Charly hat gesagt, 1983, LangenscheidtsVerlag, Deutschland.


COURSE CONTENT:Course aims to prepare participants to advanced level of ALTE Zertifikat Deutsch B1 (ZD) exam that is prescribed by EU Education Commission for individuals who have completed level B1.1 and B1.2. Also, the course aims the development of advanced communicative language abilities of four basic language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening.COURSE OBJECTIVES:By the end of the course successful  participants will  reach the level required by the Education Commission of the European Union B1.3.Participants, when they travel to German speaking countries, will be able to understand and speak German.They  will be able to give  their opinions about familiar topics verbally or in writing. .They will be able to  speak about events and experiences, describe dreams, hopes and goals orally and in writing, and make brief comments and give views about plans and comments..Sources: PONS, Wörterbuch, Türkisch-Deutsch / Deutsch- Türkisch.


COURSE CONTENT:Course participants will learn daily German  encountered in everyday life, important words, phrases and how to use them in business.Topics include  everyday life in the office, meetings, telephone conversations and written communications.COURSE OBJECTIVES:At the end of the course,   successful participants will reach  A2 level in Business German,  prescribed by EU Education Commission.Participant will be able  use German grammar in a professional context, and  colloquial vocabulary.They will  be able use language  in a productive way.They  will be able indicate their thoughts on likes and what they dislikes, orally and in writing.Source: Schritte International imBeruf / Hueber / Sandra Jotzo


COURSE CONTENT:Teaching students Mandarin Chinese,Ensuring language scores  necessary for achieving Chinese basic-level speaking and listening skills,Strengthening various interactive activities allowing students to communicate using Chinese,Gaining the basic knowledge of Chinese culture and obtaining international perspectives and intercultural awareness.COURSE OBJECTIVE:(Listening) Students will be able to distinguish the differences between 4 intonation patterns in Chinese, and the beginning and endings of words in phonics.(Reading) Students will be able to pronounce 4 different intonation patterns and beginning and ending of this intonation, read short dialogues provided in materials and multi-media resources, recognize simple Chinese characters, and infer the meaning of the relevant origin.(Speaking) Students will be able to make everyday conversations about their families and themselves, and ask and tell  the  time using basic grammar and sentence structure.(Speaking) Students will be able to introduce themselves and describe their surroundings, given information about where they work and their professions.(Writing) Students will be able to rewrite correctly basic characters they have learned in the classroom, create simple phrases and sentence structure with Pinyin. At the same time, draw letters with the same order.


COURSE CONTENT:Aim of the course is understand and use extremely simple word that target to meet the specific needs of the ordinary and everyday expressions. They can introduce yourself and another person, and ask questions to someone and answer the questions of the same kind.COURSE OBJECTIVES:Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:Introduce themselves,Give basic information about themselves and others,Ask questions about someone,Provide information about where it came from, where it went on,Provide information about the weekly program,Provide information about journeys with mentioning the transportation vehicles,Ask somebody the way, give directions,Shop in the market,Order at the restaurant,Talk about family,Demonstrate their homeSource: Festival 1 – CLE International / Sylvie POISSON-QUINTON, Michèle MAHÉO-LE COADIC, Anne VERGNE-SIRIEYS


COURSE CONTENT:Aim of the course is to understand and use  simple words of the target language to meet  everyday requirements. After the course, the participants  will be able introduce themselves and others, and ask and answer simple questions. COURSE OBJECTIVES:Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:Talk about gift selection,Shop in stores,Write invitations,Discuss  plans for the future,Speak about the weather,Discuss daily activities,Write postcards,Discuss the  past,Write a CV, Discuss  holidays,Explain an eventSource: Festival 1 – CLE International / Sylvie POISSON-QUINTON, Michèle MAHÉO-LE COADIC, Anne VERGNE-SIRIEYSA placement test will be given at the beginning of all levels except elementary courses (A1-1).


COURSE CONTENT:Aim of the course is to be able to understand simple sentences and frequently used expressions and to be able to participate in  simple  talk about everyday matters.COURSE OBJECTIVE:Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:Talk about training, courses and teachers,Discuss  holidays,Discuss   relationships,Give detailed information about the place of residence,Talk about interests,Talk about housework,Give recipes,Talk about fashion ,Talk about famous peoples’ lives,Talk about  outward appearance.Source: Festival 1 – CLE International / Sylvie POISSON-QUINTON, Michèle MAHÉO-LE COADIC, Anne VERGNE-SIRIEYSA placement test will be given at the beginning of all levels except elementary courses (A1-1).


COURSE CONTENT:Aim of the course is to be able to understand simple sentences and frequently used expressions and participate in  simple  talk about everyday matters.COURSE OBJECTIVE:Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:Talk about housemates,Give information about their neighbors,Talk about  jobs,Discuss the difficulties  encountered during job interviews,Give information about a city,Talk about different types of game, ,Talk about tales and heroes,Make assumptions,Discuss family relations.Source: Festival 1 – CLE International / Sylvie POISSON-QUINTON, Michèle MAHÉO-LE COADIC, Anne VERGNE-SIRIEYSA placement test will be given at the beginning of all levels except elementary courses (A1-1).


COURSE CONTENT:Effective speaking and listening skills in Medical English that enable participants  to communicate with doctors, patients, visitors and colleagues; medical terminology, reading and comprehension skills of medical texts, academic article writing skills.At the beginning of the course, placement test will be given and the educational content will be shaped according to the needs of the students enrolled.


COURSE CONTENT:Provide learners the verbal and written language tools in  necessary to communicate in Spanish at beginner level,Strengthen learners' confidence and ability to communicate in a new language with a variety interactive activities,Introduce learners to Spanish culture,Create awareness  of global business activities through new cultural perspectives.COURSE OBJECTIVES:(SPEAKING) Learners will be able to  talk about things that they want to achieve, and their reasons. They  will be able to describe themselves, , family members and close friends in the simple words and sentences (Age, Occupation, Hobby etc.). They will be able to talk about climates, and general information about countries, cities etc.(CONVERSATION) Learners will be able to meet basic  needs in communicative situations such as shopping.(LISTENING) Learners will be able to understand words and phrases related to the introduction of their country and city, shopping, meeting  people, family, and occupation.(READING) Learners will be able to understand texts written in simple present tense in the the areas listed above.(WRITING) Learners will be able to fill forms related to personal information, and write short texts related to issues  mentioned above.


COURSE CONTENT:Providing language tools that are necessary for A1.1 level studentsto communicate in Spanish A1.2 level, verbally and in writing, ,Strengthen learners' confidence and ability to communicate in a new language with a variety of interactive activities,Provide learners with information on Spanish culture,Create awareness in a field of global working area by entering into new culture.COURSE OBJECTIVES:(SPEAKING) Learners  will be able to talk about daily actions, place where they  live, and their skills in  simple language using Pretérito Perfecto (near past tense) and Pretérito Indefinido (past tense), in addition to the simple present tense already  learned.(CONVERSATION)Learners will be able to communicate on familiar topics and activities, and make short conversations (e.g.  perform a dialogue between waiter and customer in a  restaurant, and ask the time).(LISTENING) Learners will be able to understand a dialogue between the customer and the waiter in the restaurant; understand  dialogues  about various  everyday activities.(READING)Learners can read and understand written texts on the issues mentioned above.(WRITING) Learners can express themselves in writing  using Pretérito Perfecto (near past tense) and PretéritoIndefinido (past tense).A placement test will be given at the beginning of all levels except elementary courses (A1-1).


COURSE CONTENT:In today's modern business world, English is the most useful  language especially for those dealing with foreign trade, the senior officials, frequent  business travelers, those who wish to take part in large organizations, and individuals  aware of the importance of knowing the language for their own personal development. Many international companies trying to enter the Turkish market are in a search for English-speaking staff. Here, people who have mastered English in such an environment,  will have an advantage  in the process of recruitment  by these companies. For this purpose, he basic aim of the business English course is to improve  reading and writing skills, as well as listening and speaking, to ensure the necessary skills  in this area.COURSE OBJECTIVE:This course requires fluency in English language and teaches how to communicate effectively in the business world. In course content, the focus will be on the language skills required for effective use of the English language in face to face situations, as well as phone, e-mail and business meetings, conferences or social events. The aim is to increase  learners’ effectiveness  when participating in conferences and company meetings, and increase confidence and develop the social skills necessary for communicating with clients and colleagues from different cultures.


COURSE CONTENT:• Provide learners with language tools necessary to communicate in Italian at beginner level in verbally and in writing.• Strengthen learners' confidence and ability to communicate in a new language with a variety of interactive activities.• Introduce learners to Italian culture.• Create an awareness  global  business through exposure to a  new culture.COURSE OBJECTIVES:(SPEAKING) Learners  will be able to make sentences describing how to evaluate leisure, profession, place that they  live, their own or others’  personal characteristics (appearance, character)  using  Simple Present Tense.(CONVERSATION) Learners will be able to ask questions about where they live, their occupation, hobbies and tell the time  using  Simple Present Tense.(LISTENING) Learners will be able to understand slow and understandable dialogue such as telling the time ; making a short phone call, making an arrangement, describing a place, using  Present Tense.(READING) Learners will be able to understand texts written in  simple present tense in the areas listed above.(WRITING) Learners will be able to write short notes and other short texts introducing themselves  or someone else, describe leisure activities, and the place that where he/she or someone else lives.Source: NUOVO PROGETTO 1 a


COURSE CONTENT:• Providing language tools  necessary for A1.1 level students to communicate in Italian at A1.2 level verbally and in writing.  • Strengthen Learners' confidence and ability to communicate in a new language  and strengthen interactive activities.• Introduce learners to  Italian culture.• Create an awareness  of global business introducing a new culture.COURSE OBJECTIVES:(SPEAKING): Learners will be able to make sentences describing the weather, the location of objects, a past event or future projects using  Indicative Mood Present and Future Tenses, and Simple Past Tense.(CONVERSATION): With the future tense and past tense, learners can communicate in daily life using simple sentences (asking people about an event that happened or will happen, ordering; creating dialogue that is needed at the station).(LISTENING): Learners can understand clear  and understandable dialogues such as announcements, and they will be able to make a short phone call, make an arrangement, describe  locations and  weather conditions using  Present and future tense and the past tense.(READING): Learners will be able to understand texts written in  simple present tense in the areas listed above.(WRITING): Learners  will be able to write short texts in the situations   above and similar (e-mail, event description or projects related to the future), using three Tenses.Source: NUOVO PROGETTO 1 aA placement test will be given at the beginning of all levels except elementary courses (A1-1).


COURSE CONTENT:Providing language tools that are necessary for A1.1 and A1.2 level students to communicate in  Italian at A2-1 level verbally and in writing.Strengthen Learners' confidence and ability to communicate in a new language, andstrengthen interactive abilities.Introduce learners to  Italian culture.Create awarenessof global business by introducing a  new culture.COURSE OBJECTIVE:(SPEAKING): Learners will be able to express themselves  in various  matters (introducing the family members, describing a movie, an event, a book or recipe) in plain language, using pronouns and two past tenses in addition to three other tenses.(CONVERSATION): Students  will be able to communicate with frequently used phrases on  everyday topics and activities mentioned above; hold  short conversations (exchanging views, ordering in a restaurant, creating the necessary dialogue while shopping).(LISTENING): Learners will be able to   understand simple dialogues that give information of  an event or similar subjects, such as the plot  of a movie or book, or explain a recipe.(READING): Learners  will be able to understand general information in short texts.(WRITING): Students will be able to write short texts using the Tenses learned.Source: NUOVO PROGETTO 1 bA placement test will be given at the beginning of all levels except elementary courses (A1-1).


COURSE CONTENT:Providing language tools that are necessary for A2-1 level students to communicate in  Italian at the level of A2-2 verbally and in writing.Strengthen Learners' confidence and ability to communicate in a new language and strengthen interactive abilities.Activate and develop theoretical language knowledgeIncreasing global awareness by introducing  a new language and a new cultureCOURSE OBJECTIVES:(SPEAKING): Learners can explain ideas and plans; describe their experiences in various topics(Clothing style, television programs, giving directions, giving  opinion on any subject, advise), using pronouns, reflexives, and two new moods in addition to the  newly learned indicative tense.(CONVERSATION): Learners  will be able to exchange ideas on topics mentioned above and hold  dialogues and short conversations.(LISTENING): Learners can understand the main points of standard speech or topics such as description, opinion, advice.(READING): Students will be able to understand  text  containing the most frequently used words in everyday language related to the topics mentioned above.(WRITING): Learners will be able to write texts that describe expressions and impressions reflecting personal preferences on matters within the area of interest.Source:NUOVO PROGETTO 1bA placement test will be given at the beginning of all levels except elementary courses (A1-1).


COURSE CONTENT:• Provide learners language tools necessary to communicate verbally and  in writing in Russian at beginner level.• Strengthen Learners' confidence and ability to communicate in a new language and strengthen interactive abilities..• Increase  learners’ understanding of   Russian culture• Create awareness of global business  by introducing new cultureCOURSE OBJECTIVE:(MONOLOG): Successful students will be able to introduce their family members and close friends in the simple words and sentences (Name, occupation, place of residence and countries).Successful students will be able to describe their living place in  short phrases and sentences.(DIALOGUE): Successful students will be able to communicate on specific topics such as phone calls, place of the goods, introduction of a room, family, occupation, orders a coffee shop, shopping.(LISTENING):  Successful students will be able to understand words and phrases related to the definition of the profession, introduction, identification, family.(READING): Successful students will be able to understand phrases such as asking about wages, ordering from a menu.(WRITING): Successful students will be able to write a short text about  where their family lives,  and fill out personal information on forms.Source: Дорога в Россию 1, В.Е.Антонова, М.М.Нахабина, М.В.Сафронова, А.А.Толстых


COURSE CONTENT:This  is a language course for travel and tourism agencies. It consists of a  mainly conversational skills program that is according to the level of language skills level of candidates determined by a placement test. The course material and details will be communicated to candidates before the start of the course.Phone conversationsAsking questionsSpecific vocabularyClosing  dealsHotel reservationsCar rentalHandling complaintsAirplane reservationsCultureSpecific PhrasesSmall talkCOURSE OBJECTIVES:This program  focuses  particularly on conversational understanding and listening skills. In addition, at the end of the course, learners will have a level of  oral communication skills in their field and also they will also work on  other language skills. An important objective of the course is to develop  vocabulary for participants of Tourism and Travel Agents.


COURSE CONTENT:Accessing information, communicating with people from different cultures and countries and   career development are today’s foremost reasons for learning English. Moreover, English is used in over 75 countries around the world and is spoken as a first language by about 375 million people. This language is used by more than 2 billion people, either as mother tongue or in official language status.. It is the second language in many European, Asian and South American countries. More than 25 percent of the world's population speak English. With these facts in mind,  the purpose of this course is helping you to get the level of basic skills in English that provide a great advantage in many areas, ranging from education, trade, and art to the world of science.COURSE OBJECTIVES:In line with the objectives mentioned above, the course will be conducted in the following programs. Details will be communicated with the candidates before the start of the course. Course is intended to be given 15 hours per week on demand from participants. Course time can be arranged in the hours and days according to participants and trainers.


COURSE CONTENT:International Law English Beginning Course is addressed to trainees who need to use legal English actively for academic reasons or work, and has at least a "medium" level (Intermediate) English. After developing reading, writing, listening and speaking skillswith legal content texts, learners will have the opportunity to prepare for the International Legal English exam as ILEC (International Legal English Certificate) and TOLES (Test of Legal Skills). At the end of the course, the main aim is to increase participants’ law vocabulary, critical thinking skills, writing skills on law matters, oral interview and presentation skills.COURSE OBJECTIVE:The course includes the following goals:Definition and taking notes on law subjects, finding the  main ideas and details,Identifying the details and purpose, main ideas and subject of the written legal texts,Express ideas clearly and be able to  ask questions  in legal discussions,Advise on issues related to the availability of exchange of information on legal matters,Express  ideas by making appropriate comments on legal content, discussions and arguments,Making a clear and well-structured presentation, highlighting  the important points in a matter of legal content, and giving appropriate answers to all questions about the presentation content,Expressing opinions in writing, declaring the reasons for  supporting or opposing positions on legal issues,,Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of various possible solutions about a  legal  problem,Enter into  correspondence for giving or obtaining information  on legal issues.


COURSE CONTENT:Introduction to Turkish program, provide information about Turkey and Turkish people (video),Practicing conversation  and  greeting patternsLearning question words and making conversation,Asking about/describing  actions in dialogue,Describing/Asking about hobbies, habits, and  actions,Describing/Asking about family and relatives and giving directions,Understanding  time, days, months, and giving information about personal background and asking questions about others’ background using past tense,Explaining needs and wants in shopping, and ordering food,,Creating application texts for public/private enterprises,Understanding the information of invoices, identity cards, bank statements and making requests and complaints,Self- expression in  short sentences, and understanding others.COURSE OBJECTIVES:Aim of the course is understanding and using simple words to meet practical needs with daily language. Learners will be able to express themselves and others, and ask questions. If the person that he/she talks to is clear and understandable, learner will be able to  communicate with simple sentences.


COURSE CONTENT:Introduction to Turkish program, provide information about Turkey and Turkish people (video),Explaining/Asking about  future plans,Compare  situations, events, or objects,Explaining what they learned  to the third person using past tense,Understanding  announcements,Giving information about  habits and actions,Using the permission, request, imperative patterns using simple present tense,Provide information about ability, competence on  various subjects,Provide information or ask questions about past habits and activities,Provide information or ask questions about television programs and newspaper articles,Provide information or ask questions about nutritional preferences and habits, sporting events,Provide information on travel and holidaypreferences and activities,Use  the conjunction of  “Because”, “Therefore” and “Hence”,Fill out a simple questionnaire asking for user feedback and evaluation forms.COURSE OBJECTIVES:Learners will be able to understand simple terms, questions and information about basic personal needs. They will be able to  write texts about daily life with simple phrases and sentences, understand simple words and phrases that are related with daily life. They  will be able to request information about  public transport, and buy tickets. When visually supported, they will be able to understand the main topic of the news and movies on TV. They will be able to  understand simple directions, ask someone for directions, and understand  directions using a map. They will be able to describe past events such as weekend and holiday activities. They can order food or drinks. They can connect simple sentences with words using “and”, “but”, “because”.


COURSE CONTENT:Provide information/ask questions about professions, professional terms,Use words relating to Sports and sporting events,Use  words that convey   regrets, wishes, dreams, hopes,Provide information on preferences related to clothing,Express thoughts about school life and education,Explain thoughts about  art,Create correct sentences using the causative voice,Using passive voice and common  words to describescience and inventions,Use vocabulary  about animal nature and wildlife,Join conversations  using terms and phrases related to cinema and theatre,Use  words related to national and religious holidays, celebrations,Use  words associated with personality and personal characteristic,Show contrasting  relationships within sentences  using the appropriate conjunctions.COURSE OBJECTIVES:Learners will be able to  understand a simple text related to student interests or can predict unknown words in a familiar text. They  will be able to follow  daily conversation and ask  for repetition of particular words and phrases.  They  will be able to write a short text containing the personal views and perspectives on issues that are familiar. They can understand the main idea of clearly spoken radio and television broadcasts  related with the current affairs or their interests. They will be able to  briefly express their thoughts, plans or events. Learners will be able to  interpret the ideas and opinions of others; express and respond to feelings such as surprise, happiness, and sadness. They will be able to  talk about dreams and goals. They will be able to  follow a conversation or a short story, and interpret these.. They  will be able to understand simple technical information  in  user manuals. They  will be able to  write a resume and tell a story.


COURSE CONTENT:Understand and interpret a variety of texts taken from the world of literature, and learning to use compound tense,discuss  youth issues using complex  sentencesUnderstand and discuss various phobias and the related texts using complex  sentencesUnderstand and answer questions about world cuisines,discuss  the importance of money, and reading text about money and answering questions, making comments using connectors,read and discuss texts related to communication and language, and use conjunctions correctly,Discuss  comedy films  using adverbsread and understand Music related texts, answer questions and discuss exercises related to passive,read texts on a variety of architectural structures in the world and answer questions about these issues  using appropriate formsdiscuss television programs and explaining the importance of television in our lives in an essay,read and discuss several articles about the human brain, answer questions on a variety of texts  on space travel, and exercises on the use of particles and nominalizations,COURSE OBJECTIVE:Learners will be able to understand the details of conversation  in standard language even  in a noisy environment. They using complex  sentences read various types of texts without difficulty. . They will be able to understand the information, thoughts and feelings related to academic and expert texts within their areas of interest. They will be able to understand the majority of plays and films, interviews, TV documentaries,  in the standard language. They can express different emotions in  personal letters or e-mail s, explain important aspects of an event in the day. They will be able to use different listening techniques such as checking understanding of  the main idea using the clues in the text. They  will be able to report a short review of a film or a book. They will be able to  follow the conversations in environments where the target language is spoken as a mother tongue. They  will be able to easily understand and comment on contemporary literary texts. They  will be able to understand slang and idioms in film, radio and television broadcasts. They will be able to realize social, political or historical contexts of  literary works.


Participations in this course should have at leastMedium English level (intermediate, B1 CEFR), because  this IELTS preparatory program will not start from beginner level, as in the generalEnglish program. For this purpose, a placement test will be given  before the course starts.COURSE CONTENT:ELTS (International English Language Testing System)IELTS is the exam that aims to determine the level of English proficiency, and has been developed jointly by the British Council (BC), University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) and International Development Programme of Australian Universities (IDP).The course includes two different modules:1) Academic ModuleAcademic Training for Writing:Part 1: (at least 150 words) (20 min)Part 2:  (minimum 250 words) (40 min)Speech: Individual tutorials (11-14 min.)Academic English Reading: 3 sections, 40 questions (60 min)Listening: 4 sections of 40 questions (30 minutes, plus 10 minutes transfer time to the answer sheet)) 2) General ModuleGeneral English Writing: (2 threads, 150-250 words, 60 min.)General English Reading: (3 sections, 40 questions, 60 min.)Speaking: (11-14 min.)Listening: 4 sections of 40 questions (30 minutes, plus 10 minutes transfer time to the answer sheet)Each part in the IELTS Exam is separately evaluated, and the average of all the sections are calculated for the total score,with 9 being the highest.IELTS exam preparation course program is based on  IELTS question types. In this context, it focuses on four skills measured in the IELTS exam. These are: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing skills. The purpose of the  course is the   development and acceleration of the four skills. IELTS preparatory course aim is developing reading, listening, writing and speaking skills within the framework of selected modules.COURSE OBJECTIVES:Students with at least intermediate level knowledge of English who participate in the IELTS preparation course will improve  skills measured in accordance with the IELTS exam scores. Students who complete the IELTS exam preparation program will bring improved listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to their academic qualifications.


COURSE CONTENT:TOEFL exam preparation course program is based on  TOEFL question types. The purpose of the exam is to understand  how 4 basic skills in creating academic output can be efficiently combined. . In this direction, program focuses on the four skills that measuredIBT TOEFL exam and work on the most effective combined use  of these skills..COURSE OBJECTIVES:Students who participateTOEFL preparation course will improve at least intermediate level knowledge of English to skills measured in accordance with the TOEFL exam. Students who complete the TOEFL exam preparation program add improved listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to their academic qualifications.
Agile Leadership


About the ProgramGet ready to explore Agile Leadership!Agile can often challenge project managers in the realm of leadership. Old styles of command-control are now a thing of the past, except for the most conservative organizations. But Agile takes self-empowerment to new levels and challenges traditional beliefs in what leadership means.In this course, you will learn how this new style of leadership redefines and redistributes team roles by:Motivating through empowerment to gain better decisionsFacilitating the creativity and inclusivity of a high-functioning teamIdentifying and managing decision making biasesNegotiating conflicts across individuals, teams, and organizationsEnsuring success through delegation and powerful constraint-based metrics.You will learn to turn one internally motivated and critically thinking mind into many; and driving speed and innovation through leveraging all talents on the teamWhat you'll learn:Build self-organizing teamsFacilitate leadership and the power of playDecision science and human mind heuristicsNegotiation styles and techniquesManage bias through mindfulness and emotional intelligence (EQ)
Fintech Navigator


About the ProgramAre you ready to  explore Fintech?The Pearson Fintech Navigator course will explore how Fintech is disrupting the status quo in the financial sector, providing you with the knowledge and skills required to take advantage of the opportunities this disruption presents. The course culminates in a project in which you and your peers present a new business or product idea that could be eligible for local or regional funding opportunities.Pearson Fintech Navigator program also empowers graduates to earn a return on their tuition investment. This is done via industry relevant networking and career progression modules that connect the learning to employment or further study goals. This exciting course will help you elevate your career to a strategic level.This course entails several challenging exercises and rigorous group projects, for which we provide instructional support during our in-class sessions. Throughout the course, you will be supported by world-leading Fintech experts David Shrier, Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland and Christopher Tucci.What you’ll learn: Develop an in-depth understanding of both the risks and opportunities associated with this exciting period of change and innovation Develop a broad and deep understanding of what Fintech is Understand Fintech’s radical impact that it will have on the future of the financial system Put your knowledge about Fintech on practice by hands-on experiences through a number of exercises prepared by our hand-picked facilitators
Leaders of Learning


About the ProgramAre  you ready to explore “learning”?Have you ever wondered how we, human beings, learn? Do you know how you learn best? By writing notes or by listening to lectures and taking part in discussions? Do you have any personal theory of learning?In Leaders of Learning, you will identify and develop your personal theory of learning, and explore how it fits into the shifting landscape of learning. This isn’t just about schools, it’s about the broader and bigger world of learning.The education sector is undergoing great transformation, and in the coming decades will continue to change. How we learn, what we learn, where we learn, and why we learn; all these questions will be reexamined.In Leaders of Learning we will explore learning, leadership, organizational structure, and physical design, with Harvard University Professor Richard Elmore and the assurance of Pearson Turkey and ETZ Academy.What  you’ll learn:          √ How to define your personal theory of learning          √ What leadership looks like in different learning environments          √ How an organization's structure reflects its theories of learning          √ How physical and digital design shape learning          √ How neuroscience will affect the future of learning
Artificial Intelligence for Leaders


About the ProgramWhen the world leading experts put their revolutionary thought and experience into innovation, fields like Artificial Intelligence are born. Facial recognition, self-driving cars, voice-powered personal assistants, robots that help you around in the newest DEWA offices and many more are our new reality. Technology, which was only previously described in science fiction, is now available at your fingertips!Would you like to understand more about the science behind Artificial Intelligence and how the computers evolve and learn? Then this interactive and engaging course is definitely for you! Take part in this MicroMasters® Program from Columbia University and achieve a strong, graduate-level foundation in AI that would take you closer to your dream job that is already highly demanded in the market.This course is delivered using an innovative and highly effective model of blended learning. Apart from the highly saturated and rigorous content available online at your convenience, in-class sessions led by professional facilitators will take place every other week to ensure your progress and ultimate success in this course. These meetings will provide you with an opportunity to organize and structure your knowledge, network with your peers and thought leaders and apply the course material to the real-world situations. Moreover, you will be in close contact with your personal Student Success Advisor who will help you achieve all the important milestones during this course. Our locally developed Learner Journey is centered around ensuring your success in this course as well as your professional development.What you'll learn:√ Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and intelligent agents, history of Artificial Intelligence√ Building intelligent agents (search, games, logic, constraint satisfaction problems)√ Machine Learning algorithms√ Applications of AI (Natural Language Processing, Robotics/Vision)√ Solving real AI problems through programming with Python
Leading in the Digital Age


About the ProgramThe Digital Age is here. It is enabling the most comprehensive transformation of our work and personal life in history. The Digital Age promises a more prosperous and fulfilling life for everyone globally. But that promise is only as good as the capability of leaders at all levels of the organization to lead their units to success in a challenging and uncertain future.Leading in the  Digital Age develops five Skill Sets needed for success in the Digital Age:Leading Beyond the Edge of the leader’s unit, organization, geography, and formal authority, enabled by Digital Age tools, to provide innovative solutions to customers and other stakeholders.Building  Deep Trust Relationships: In the Digital Age, trust replaces formal authority as the basis for leadership.Forming  and Leading Virtual Teams: The Digital Age relentlessly shrinks time space. Properly formed and led, virtual teams turn this challenge into an advantage over traditional teams.Collaborating  and Co-Creating the Future with customers and other stakeholders. Multi-organizational value networks formed from a portfolio of relationships are replacing single-company-owned, linear value chains. Leading in this new business model requires a “co-creation mindset.”Learning  Dynamically: The only sustainable competitive advantage in the Digital Age is the capability to learn, adapt, implement, and learn as you go, faster and better than your competitors.Leading in the Digital Age uses interactive tools to help you apply in real time what you learn from the content, other participants, and your own experience, to dynamically lead continuous innovation and change.What You'll LearnLearning to be an excellent digital age leader is a never-ending journey.  Our goal is to help you immediately apply what you learn in this program to wherever you are in your journey regardless of your level or position in your organization. Using your current workplace challenges, self-assessments, video vignettes, and through discussions with fellow learners and your coach you will learn how to:Work and lead across boundariesBuild and maintain deep trust relationshipsLeverage a portfolio of relationships for rapid, responsive innovationForm and lead virtual teamsNegotiate and collaborate to drive creativity, innovation, and co-creationLead change through experimentation and dynamic learningLead continuous innovation while rigorously executing you action plansDevelop a personal development plan
Data Science


About the Program Learn key data science essentials, including R and machine learning, through real-world case studies to jumpstart your career as a data scientist.What You Will LearnFundamental R programming skillsStatistical concepts such as probability, inference, and modeling and how to apply them in practiceGain experience with the tidyverse, including data visualization with ggplot2 and data wrangling with dplyrBecome familiar with essential tools for practicing data scientists such as Unix/Linux, git and GitHub, and RStudioImplement machine learning algorithmsIn-depth knowledge of fundamental data science concepts through motivating real-world case studiesHow You Will LearnWhile we advise you to get the whole Data Science program, you may want to choose some specific courses only according to your needs. You will be supported along the program with our student success coach and program advisors.CoursesR BasicsVisualizationProbabilityInference and ModelingProductivity ToolsWranglingLinear RegressionMachine LearningCapstone Project